Browser Setup Instructions
Before you begin, you must set browser options to: accept all cookies, enable Java, and to install plug-ins automatically.
Instructions for Netscape
- From the Netscape menu choose Edit > Preferences.
The Preferences window appears.
- Under Category, click Advanced.
On the right-hand side of the Preferences window, a list of Advanced preferences appears.
- Make sure the checkboxes and radio buttons match the following graphic:

- Next click SmartUpdate and make sure the checkboxes match the folowing graphic, then click OK.

Instructions for Microsoft Internet Explorer
Enabling Java
- From the Microsoft Internet Explorer menu choose Tools > Internet Options...
The Internet Options window appears.
- Click the Advanced tab.
A list of Advanced preferences appears.
- Scroll to the bottom of the window, and make sure the three checkboxes under the VM heading match the following graphic, then click OK.

Setting ActiveX controls and Cookies
- From the Microsoft Internet Explorer menu choose Tools > Internet Options...
The Internet Options window appears.
- Click the Security tab.
A list of Security Settings appears.
- Click the Custom Level... button.
- Make sure the ActiveX controls and plug-ins radio buttons match the following graphic:

- Scroll down to the Cookies heading, and make sure the checkboxes and radio buttons match the following graphic, then click OK.
- If the window below appears, click Yes to continue.